Healing With Your Angels
YES, Melanie! I absolutely want the Healing With Angels sessions for 75% off the retail price of $197 so I can tap into the healing power of my angels!
I understand this is a ONE-TIME OPPORTUNITY to get 7 powerful angel sessions that will connect me with my angels and tune me into their healing power, RIGHT NOW...
Included with the Healing With Your Angels product is unlimited downloads and streaming of these 7 powerful .mp3 angel sessions:
- Align With Your Life Purpose - Archangel Michael (26:46)
- Pathway to the Angelic Realm - Archangel Uriel (24:43)
- Raise Your Vibration - Archangel Metatron (37:50)
- Experience The Archangels - Archangel Michael (37:18)
- Manifesting With Your Guardian Angels - Archangel Michael (20:32)
- Connecting With Your Higher Self - Archangel Orion (18:31)
- Golden Angelic Healing Light - Archangel Metatron (20:46)
I understand that these angel sessions are backed by your 30-day 100% money back guarantee so I have no risk... And everything to gain!
I also realize that this is a limited time special offer and it could be pulled at any time, so I'm taking advantage of this right now!
Here's my details: