New For The 12-21 Solstice...
Activate Your Inner Radiance & Unlock the Divine Within
Complete this secure order form for live access to the LIVE Activation on the December 21st solstice .
Plus, order now and you'll get instant access to 4 bonus .mp3 activations for free!
If you can't make it live, don't worry. You'll get lifetime access to the replay after the live call!
Remember, you have zero risks with my 60-day 100% money back guarantee.
If you don't love the high-vibe live stream on 12-21 you can get a full refund for 60 days!
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By Simply Listening to The 12-21 Solstice Light Activation, you will...
Experience a profound activation of your Divine Human Blueprint, awakening your true potential and purpose.
Receive powerful Quantum DNA activations that align you with your highest light and accelerate your journey of embodying your full potential
Claim the energetic upgrades available to you and activate your Divine DNA so you can unlock the cosmic light codes that lie dormant within.
Here's What Past Students Are Saying...
“Holy moly Melanie, I wasn't able to make it live to this, but did this for the first time this morning and it was off-the-charts AMAZING!!!.
"Dayanand Das and Melanie together were like being given an express ticket straight to the heavens! Thank you, always." –Lori Abbot
“Melanie, your guidance and presence leading me to the Light and Love has become invaluable in my life. Thank You!!” – Lorraine
“Wow! Thank you! So amazing…I just wanted to sit in the light and love vibration forever… …so I just sat and enjoyed the energy for a while after... …so beautiful and powerful!!” –Elaine
“Thank you, you are helping me so much in a hard time that I’m having lately… The change is amazing! I really didn’t think anything could help me get over the deep sadness… And you made it happen. Thank you !” –Limor